Turn your yoga, sound and energy practices into a super charged self-love affair with your soul AND the Universe.
Start loving and accepting yourself exactly as you are.
Reconnect to the Divine in your life.
Live with more joy and peace.
Become part of a beautiful community of like-minded people, transforming themselves and the world.
You could keep on struggling on alone as you try to figure out how to change your relationship with yourself and the Universe by
- Putting on a brave face but slowly dying inside
- Ignoring your sensitive side
- Starting and quitting another unrealistic self-care routine
- Constantly searching but never finding that feeling of Divine Connection
- Buying another course from Facebook
- Doing random youtube yoga videos.
But that sounds lonely as hell and seriously lacking in fun, joy and playfulness, am I right?
Or you could come and play with us crazy kids in the Self-Love Sanctuary.
Here’s what happens when you do that…

You learn practical and effective tools that support your self-love journey

You are held at an energetic frequency of Sacred Self-Love

You are supported in a powerful community with common struggles and goals

You feel at peace and connected to the Divine

You have a space that is ALL yours to turn to every time you are struggling
Bottom Line
If you are serious about falling in love with yourself - this is where you need to be.

I’ll be honest with you...
Figuring out how to love myself this deeply didn’t happen overnight...
In fact, it took me YEARS to get here!
You gotta understand, I have always been a deeply spiritual being. I grew up on Sacred Lands surrounded by the potency and wisdom of my ancestors. I felt deeply connected to the Universe and I had powerful energetic gifts.
BUT I had no community, I was alone on my spiritual path trying to figure it out for myself. And it was lonely!
And even with all that magic, I STILL wasn’t loving myself as deeply, consistently and unwaveringly as I now KNOW is possible!
It sucked. I didn’t feel like I was good enough. I was a chronic people pleaser with zero boundaries. I was deeply empathic but I had NO idea. I experienced crippling social anxiety, perfectionism and loving my curvy plus size body was simply unthinkable.
I didn’t know I was searching for Sacred Self-Love so instead I spent years trying different yoga teachers and styles, hoping to experience the states of bliss and Union that I had experienced privately and alone. I spent years devouring spiritual self-help book after spiritual self-help book. Years drinking to feel able to socialise with anyone other than my closest friends. Years of living a life stuck in the corporate world out of alignment with my soul. Years of wishing I could live aligned with who I truly was inside - or even feel remember who that was.
Nothing changed until I started to combine energy medicine and ceremonial work with the teachings of yoga.
Things started to change when I trained as a yoga teacher. Thanks to the training and then the practice of teaching, I began to understand the complexity and intricacy of my being at such a profound level and with that understanding came acceptance. I learnt about what it was to be an empath. What ‘people pleasing’ was and how it showed up in my life. How to disempower the inner mean girl that taunted me from between my ears. How to build habits that supported me. How to set loving boundaries and how to step fully into my power.
I focused my teaching around self-love but I was still too scared of being judged to dive deeper into my passion and devotion to the Universe.
After training as a sound therapist and working more intentionally with energy and light worker frequencies, I started to allow my FULL self to show up as a healer and teacher; everything changed.
The Universe had been preparing me without me even knowing it. I spent years visiting sacred sites and connecting to the energy. I worked with my voice and devotional practices, I devoured information.
The word ‘ceremony’ kept bubbling up from my subconscious again and again, calling me. When I finally combined all my skills with the Divine act of Ceremony, everything changed. I had a powerful knowing that what I had been searching for all this time was to combine the magic of yoga with the power and Divine communion of ceremony and energy work. Spirituality is incomplete without self-love and self-love is really loving the Divine within.
Introducing The Sacred Self-Love Journey
- a step by step journey to live from your soul, connect to the Universe and love yourself exactly as you are.

Welcome to The Self-Love Sanctuary.
Turn your yoga, sound and energy practices into a super charged self-love affair with your soul.
Join a community of yoga loving, spiritual souls and start loving yourself as the Universe intended.
What’s included...

The Sacred Self-Love Quiz
Identify which areas are most in need of some love.

Yoga Classes
6 live online channeled self-love yoga ceremonies a month.

Sound Ceremonies
One ceremonial sound activation a month to support the work of Sacred Self-Love

Content Library
A library of yoga and sound ceremonies to support the journey of Sacred Self-Love

Journal prompts and Affirmations.

A private facebook group with an amazing community of like minded people.

Ad-Hoc bonus events for free.

A space to feel held in the arms of the Divine.

Here’s how The Self-Love Sanctuary works and how I’ll help you shift your frequency to one of unconditional Self-love and Divine Connection.
When you join The Self-Love Sanctuary you are sending a clear signal to the Divine that you are ready for more, you are ready for transformation.
The act of joining already begins to activate and transmute the frequency within you.
The Sanctuary works by infusing yoga, energy and sound ceremony practices with the frequency of Sacred Self-Love. Each session is a channeled ceremony which means you are always working with the Universe and your higher self to make these shifts. The Sessions expand upon the Sacred Self-Love Journey and teach tools and ideas that relate to the five stages of self-love.
Overtime, the energy and teachings seep into your subconscious in a playful, joyful manner until one day you wake up and things are just different.
You take ownership to work with the teachings in the way that feels right.
When you join the Sanctuary, you get immediate access to the Sacred Self-love Journey and the challenges and action steps associated with it, plus a quiz to identify where to start.
You also get access to a library of classes, ceremonies and resources arranged in the phases of the Journey.
You can follow the journey; you can take classes that you are drawn to from the library or you can show up live every week, it’s your choice!
I wanna be really real with you - the journey of loving yourself is not a quick one, it takes time and patience and showing up for yourself. That’s why I have created this as a membership, it gives you a space to show up again and again and make that ongoing commitment to yourself.
I love working with the practices of Sacred Self-Love because they have helped me to fall in love with the Goddess I truly am.

Hey, I’m Rachel. I live in a beautiful National Park in the UK with my two kids, my hubby and our little rescue dog Enid. I love trees and nature and helping people to LOVE THEMSELVES exactly as they are!
I am devoted to the Universe, who I consider to be The Great Mother and I wish that everyone could have the incredible loving relationship with her that I do.
I really love myself - nope I’m not boasting - it’s a fact and a fact I am very proud of because it took a long time to get here!
I have always been spiritual (hello freaky out of body experiences as a child) but I have not always been self-loving. I used to feel such deep shame about my curvaceous body; about not being good enough and even about how sensitive and spiritual I am.
Thank god that has all changed now and I get to lead a life I love helping others to do the same.
The tools of Sacred Self-Love through Yoga, energy practices and sound ceremony have changed my life and now I dedicate myself to sharing them with others.
I have one question for you...
What if, this month I can help you rekindle your connection to the Divine — for less than the price of an evening out?
So many of us think nothing of spending money on a one off experience, but when it comes to investing in our own wellbeing every month, we get shy away!

If you are ready to make a change in your life, then maybe it’s time to start investing in things that will make a difference long term. If you are here it must be for a reason.
The Self-Love Sanctuary isn’t for everyone

The Self-Love Sanctuary is for you if:
- You are ready to do the work
- You want to show up for yourself regularly
- You love yoga and sound ceremony
- You are hungry for a community of like minded people where you can really be yourself

The Self-Love Sanctuary isn’t for you if:
- You want a quick fix solution to Self-Love
- You feel skeptical about spirituality
-You only want yoga for fitness
- You don’t want to commit to showing up for yourself regularly
Having a super-charged self-love affair with your soul gets to be easy.

It can feel scary to embark on something new, especially when we are already struggling with self-worth, but this gets to be easy, it gets to be fun and joyful.
There is no getting it wrong. If you are drawn to me and this work it is for a reason - the heart and soul know exactly what they want. So don’t be afraid to listen to your heart - check if it is your ego that is scared to embark on something new or if you are genuinely not ready for this level of soul expansion.
If you’re asking yourself...
“Could I get the same result with an online yoga subscription or watching youtube videos?”
There are some amazing free resources available for sure, but if you are serious about changing your relationship with yourself and the Universe, they are not going to cut the mustard. You need a space and a community dedicated and focused on this area.
“Am I going to be too unfit and inflexible for the yoga?”
In a word, No! You may find it challenging, but the Self-Love Sanctuary takes a very different approach to movement. You will be encouraged to go at your own pace and listen to your body as the guide. It doesn’t matter how fit or flexible you are, this is about unwavering self-love and self-acceptance and it starts now.
“Can I cancel after a month if I don’t like it?”
Absolutely, you are free to cancel at any time, but this is not a quick fix solution, it’s not a come for a month and suddenly you will be done. It takes time and patience to make these beautiful, lasting changes which is why this is structured as an affordable, ongoing membership.
Still have questions? I’ve got you covered.
I have never done yoga before - is that a problem?
What should I expect from a Sound Ceremony?
Do I need to have my own yoga equipment?
What style of yoga do you teach?
What if I canā€™t come to the live classes every week?
What if I donā€™t want to come to the live classes?
When are the live classes?
Is it easy to access the live classes?
What do I need to access the live classes?
What timezone are you in?
I love helping people to transform their relationship with themselves and the Universe - it’s how we make this world a better place.
You don’t have to do this work alone, you were never meant to.
You are ready to lean in and love yourself for who you are
You are ready to claim peace, love and joy from within