Hey there Gorgeous Spiritual Soul!
Welcome. If you have landed here, it is for a reason. We both know that nothing in this magical world happens by accident don’t we.
We are at a turning point in humanity’s history and you are a part of that. The birthing process is difficult and we all experience it in different ways but the souls that I work with tend to feel it as a lack of self-love and a desire for deeper spiritual connection. We are the sensitive souls who have been told that we are too much or not enough, the ones that have been mocked and ridiculed for our Spirituality in this lifetime and many lifetimes before.
You might be feeling lost and disconnected from your soul and your true self. You might be stuck in destructive and painful patterns of perfectionism or not enoughness. You might be struggling to take care of yourself or make time for yourself. You might have a difficult relationship with your body or with the Great Mother Universe or you might just be longing for a deeper, richer and more all encompassing spiritual life.

Gorgeous one, I feel it too.
My name is Rachel, I am the self-appointed High Priestess of Sacred Self-Love and Spirituality and my mission on Earth is to support spiritual beings to love themselves fully in their cosmic power so that together we can raise the collective vibration of humanity and change the way we live.
I love to see the transformations that occur when people start to truly love themselves and connect to the Universe.
Like Becky who came to me experiencing anxiety and a profound sense of spiritual longing and through the course of her time in the membership, reconnected to her ancestry, reclaimed her power and found inner peace to thrive in her life.
Or Hannah who learned to soften her rigid attitude to herself and live with self-compassion and empathy and then went on to develop these skills to support others in her role as a vet.
Or Katie who went from severe anxiety and never feeling worthy enough for a loving relationship to falling in love with herself exactly as she is and manifesting the relationship of her dreams.
Or Lynda who recovered from the grief of losing her soulmate to finally feeling worthy of loving herself and changing her career to serve others.

I believe that humanity is going through a collective (and sometimes painful) upgrade in consciousness. It requires us to look inwards and take responsibility for our own lives and this starts with loving ourselves.
I have been ‘Spiritual’ my whole life. As a child I was highly sensitive to the energy and frequency of the Sacred Lands that I grew up in. My mother tells me that I was a natural healer of humans and animals. My ancestral farm was surrounded by ancient pagan sites of worship; vast expanses of woodland named after the Druids and bronze age burial mounds. These were my playground and the ancestral beings spoke to me loud and clear.
I dreamed of living an alternative life, doing the work that I love - channeling and learning about the Universe and then sharing that with others.
But, it took me a long time to get there. And even though my spiritual life and gifts were rich and alive, I didn’t know how to truly, madly, deeply LOVE myself.

Finally, in my thirties, I became a yoga teacher, shortly followed by sound therapist.
These professional trainings gave me tools to finally start to love myself. There were no big moments of transcendence. Instead, there were tiny actions of self-love. I learned about what it means to be empathic, that not all emotions I was feeling were mine and that I could protect myself from being a wide open vessel. I started to become aware of the inner mean voice and not to give it energy and then one day, it just wasn’t there any more. I started to deepen my meditative and introspective practices and find what type of meditation worked for me. I developed skills of awareness and self-acceptance. I started to take messy action on the nudges I was getting from my soul. I completely changed my relationship to my yoga asana practice and infused it with self-love, energy medicine and devotion to the Divine. Little by little I came to truly love myself in every way.
That’s the thing about this journey, there are no quick fixes.

Learning to love yourself in a society hell-bent on telling you that you aren’t good enough is a radical and courageous act.
That’s why I have devoted myself to serving the Universe to help people reconnect to her magic and to love themselves exactly as she created them to be.
It took me five years of teaching yoga and offering sound healing sessions to finally claim my true power. I skirted around the edges, always feeling frustrated that I couldn’t take people into such a deep sense of Divine Union as I experienced. Feeling embarrassed by my own spiritual beliefs about energy and angels and altered states of consciousness.
The Universe knows what she is doing though and in those five years, she was preparing me. I was guided by my intuitive knowing, synchronicity and gentle nudges to go on sacred pilgrimages to ancient portal sites, to connect to the earth, the ancestors, the spirit realm, to vision quest, to develop my singing and voice activation work and to learn about ceremony.
It took a global pandemic for me to FINALLY stand up and claim the title of The High Priestess of Sacred Self-Love and Spiritual Badassery. I was ready.
I knew I was ready because the world was going to shit and I felt calm. A knowing that this is what I had been preparing for.

Of course, like any act of courage and claiming, it wasn’t easy.
At the start of the pandemic, I went even deeper into my ceremonial practices and received a vision of myself being anointed as a Priestess, rising from a black whole on an earthless plain dressed as a Priestess.
It brought up all my old wounds of persecution and fear (Who am I to claim this? What will people think of me? Will people judge me? Attack me?) but I did it anyway.
In January 2021, The Self-Love Sanctuary was born.
It is an embodiment of my mission here in this lifetime. A coming together of all that I have experienced in my life and a place to overcome the struggles that come with not feeling good enough. A space that is evolving and growing in service to spiritual beings who are ready to transform their relationship with themselves and the Universe. It combines channeled yoga sessions, energy work, ceremony and community to create a ripple of change that starts with you.
I am so blessed to get to do this work. It lights me up knowing that people like YOU will be touched and expanded into deeper levels of Sacred Self-Love. Welcome, now let’s go on a journey, because you deserve it.
Love R