Get ready - your relationship with money is about to get MAGICAL
Money Magic is a subversive, spirit-led, magical approach to all things money and if you are reading this, it’s because the Spirit of Money is calling you in.
And if it's calling you extra loud there is VIP option of three 45 minute 1-2-1 sessions to help you through this course
I feel you babe, FED UP of feeling broke-ass, struggling with ‘just enough’, foregoing the things you want in life because there just isn’t enough money.
Always feeling like money is the enemy, money is illusive, money is something other people have.
✨You will learn such valuable concepts in this class. Rachel is the real deal and brings intelligence, charm, and positive kicks in the booty when needed! Give yourself the gift of being in her presence while you make lasting changes to get the abundance you truly deserve.Celesti'anna
The principles you will learn in Money Magic helped me create a 180% increase in my revenue
(yes, for those of you who are also shit at maths that's more than double!!!)

AND in the process, I stepped into owning the identity of a fully booked coach, a powerful creatrix and playful entrepreneur after having 18 months at the same income plateaux.
Magical wins people have had with this course.
💗10k course gifted the moment they stepped in!
💗 work showing up out of nowhere
💗 Four figure weeks
💗 10x investment in the first week, highest month since covid - taking time to step back and relax
💗 £999 in sales of her course!
💗 3.5k PROFIT! Whilst taking time off and slowing down - selling out her event in a couple of hours whilst having a freedom date day with hubby!
✨ I have done so many money courses, all promising, and with all the best intentions, to transform your relationship with money. I have done 12 week courses that didn’t even scratch the surface. This course, Money Magic, has cracked me open in 3 weeks. I am now understanding my shit, I get it and I am embracing it. The combination of the energetic and mindset work is so powerful! Thank you Rachel! Here’s to your money health!
Siobhan Patterson - Hair Stylist for Theatres and Performance artists.
The week by week breakdown is in a big golden box!!
This didn't happen by accident.
✨Money Magic has been unbelievable, the energy activations and mindset work has been insane.. I have shifted from feeling scared and in lack to feeling much more confident in my offerings and open to receiving. The live sessions have been so good , I particularly loved the energy work with Rachel.
Rosie Taylor
It physically pains my soul to see incredible people like you, people with amazing and important missions, struggling to make money. Did I mention I’ve been there?! Yup. Ouch
The worst part?
Your work in this world MATTERS and when you have a fucked up relationship with money - inevitably, it means you are not getting your work out to everyone who desperately needs it.

✨Rachel creates magic in the space she holds and has changed the often black and white world of ‘money mindset’ into something infused with the most incredible energy. She goes so much deeper than ‘strategy’ and her relatable wisdom has made this a truly empowering experience.
Clare Cox
✨I would highly recommend doing Rachel’s money magic course. During the course I feel that I changed my relationship with money at a deep level. During the weeks we spent together money came to me out of the blue in a few surprising ways and I attribute this to the energy created by Rachel during this course. She really does work magic!
Sushi Mahto
The Magic in Money Magic:
🔥 Five powerful weeks of money magic, ceremony and sacred shifts, mindset healing and coaching. This is energetics, ceremony and magic combined with practical tools, coaching and mindset tips.
🔥 Optional homework and extra integration pieces between sessions.
🔥 Each week has an energetic component AND a practical teaching and coaching component. I am a channel and I have a clear knowing of what I am going to teach AND Spirit is clear that there also needs to be space for magic and spontaneity in the moment.
🔥Optional spell kit (just purchase after you have signed up - £10. Link will be in the confirmation email). First 20 people to sign up get this free!!!
🔥VIP - Three 45 minute 1-2-1 sessions to be taking during the course. Four places available
🔥 Week one - WEALTH ACTIVATION : Wealth activation ceremony and money activation spell. This is going to energetically start the transformation. It’s going to help you start to look at money and making money and receiving money in a completely new light.
🔥 Week two - PLENTITUDE: reimagining your relationship with abundance and the frequency of wealth. Witnessing how nature models abundance and wealth for us. Embodying the wealth that is already yours. Living from Plentitude and Inner resourcefulness.
🔥 Week three -SCARCITY, ANCESTRY AND CORD CUTTING: Diving into our repressed desires, our dark shadow work around money and receiving and self-worth. Bringing it all to the surface so it can’t run amuck unnoticed anymore. Energy clearing and cord cutting ceremony including ancestral and past life healing. (Did I mention I am a Shaman/Priestess Energy healer?!). Getting our energy body really clear and clean and ready to receive. Come back to this again and again any and every time you need to clear.
🔥 Week four - HAVING and BEING: Inner and outer realignment. Anchoring into the powerful energy of claiming it, feeling safe, certain and activating playfulness. Havingness. Receiving energy. Shifting your inner energy towards being receptive to money.
🔥 Week five - MONEY SPELL: This bonus session will help you to celebrate everything that you have created and achieved. You will also learn a super fun money spell that you can do any time you want to create more money and abundance.