Visibility matters. It’s like a silent energy transmission that tells your dream clients that they need you in their life.
Welcome to Let’s Get Visible - this masterclass is here to help you to sashay up to your visibility edges safely and courageously so that you AND your business can thrive.

When I talk about ‘visibility’, I’m talking about allowing your true self to be SEEN and FELT by others. Not your polished, professional self, the self you think others will approve of, but your TRUE whacky, weird, sexy, smarmy self.
That is visibility. Allowing others to really see and feel the truth of who you are.
Think of it like an energetic truth transmission from your soul.
Visibility takes courage and radical self-acceptance.
That’s where Let’s Get Visible comes in.

What is the Let’s Get Visible Masterclass about?
It is a 90 min masterclass on zoom to help you understand visibility and your own blocks or edges.
Together we will go on a journey to un-shame the parts of you that are so desperately trying to hide.
Find out what edge is asking to be explored right now and get safe within yourself to play with that edge.
Let’s Get Visible consists of three component parts
👀 Firstly there will be a Teaching/transmission/channeling portion where we learn about three major elements: Why visibility is so fucking hard. How Visibility is actually the path of radical self-acceptance and where these learnings will transform your business.
👀 Next there will be energy work with an energetic activation and exploration to help you tap into where your most fertile visibility edge is right now. This will help you to activate soul-level courage and take small, safe action to step more confidently into your TRUTH and POWER.
👀 Finally, there will be time for a live Q&A and coaching to help with anything that comes up live for you.
Expect to connect with the parts of yourself that are longing to be expressed more fully.

Why should you give a fuck about visibility?
Have you ever met someone and you can just tell they are holding something back, you don’t know what, but you know there is something off? It makes you feel uneasy, doesn't it? Your body and soul can sense something is weird.
Or met someone at a party and they are so sickeningly bland that you wanted to shake them by the lapels and scream WHO ARE YOU REALLY?
It breaks my heart to see the energetic equivalent of these two scenarios every damn day when I scroll through Instagram.
I know that the vanilla energy isn’t that real person, I know that underneath the neat outfit and brushed hair you are a wild beast that dances with dragons.
Your energy speaks more loudly than you know and if you are hiding parts of yourself, your audience, your clients, your community will, on some level, sense it.
Working on your visibility is deeply soul healing. It is about letting the truth of your soul shine.
It is about standing in your power and not giving a flying fuck what others think of you.
It’s about developing the kind of courage that says ‘so what if I like to stroke my long flowing armpit hair. I accept myself and so should you’ .
That kind of deep self-acceptance is sexy to behold and satisfying AF to embody.
When your clients meet you in that energy, they will either know that you are what they have been looking for or they will run a mile (which is a GOOD THING!!)

Visibility is worth it - healing for you and for your clients. Leads to professional satisfaction and more moolah!
Doing the liberating work of visibility is the difference between having an instagram grid that looks like every other coach, yoga teacher, energy healer out there OR daring to stand out with your energy, your thoughts and your truth.
The quest for visibility will take you deeper into knowing and accepting yourself.
I use the word QUEST deliberately because this path asks you to be daring and courageous.
Who is this masterclass for?
Spiritually inclined Entrepreneurs who feel like they are not sharing their truth in a way that feels safe and satisfying.
Visibility is not the same for everyone.
Some people may be fine sharing vulnerable, intimate details about their personal life but the thought of letting the world know that they sleep with crystals under their bed makes them want to vomit.
While another person feels a-okay about their regular conversations with aliens but the thought of writing a post where they ask for a sale has them running for the hills.
How do I know if I need to work on visibility?
The most obvious answer is something in you will be contracting at the thought of being more visible and going to your edges.
From a practical point of view, some of the most common things I see in my clients are:
- Having things you want to say but then self-censoring because you worry what your mum, your mentor, your neighbour will think. Having things you want to say but then self-censoring because you worry what your mum, your mentor, your neighbour will think.
- Having two separate IG accounts so that your friends and family don’t see what you are sharing in your business.
- Fear of photos, videos, going live
- Over attachment to professionalism and perfectionism
- Trying to stick to an instagram grid that looks pretty and consistent when you are a chaotic wildling.
- Fear of judgement like coming across too ‘salesy’ or too ‘out there’
I get it, visibility is scary as hell, but let me hold your hand and let’s get visible together. You got this.